Customs Clearance Consortium

Mostly due to GB Deferred Declaration and Safety & Security, a lot of the Customs Clearance Procedures are similar to GB>EU Movements.

There are fourteen steps which the Exporter and Importer needs to complete. These are broken down into four main sections:

Step one – Prior to collection

Buyer Places Order on the Supplier

Route Confirmed with the Seller (Port of Exit and Trailer)

Seller Raises the CI Containing Full Information, and Marked EIDR with Buyers EORI for CFSP EIDR clearance

Seller Arranges the Export Accompanying Document (EAD) which Includes the Movement Reference Number

Seller Communicates the EAD to the Buyer and Transport Provider

As the Exporter of Record, the Seller must submit the EAD or employ a Broker, it is important that this information is provided Prior to Collection, however there is a balance between submitting this information too early and submitting it too late, explained Stuart. The Seller needs to fully understand the Transport Route, including the Port of Exit, and Vehicle/Trailer registration continued Stuart.

Seller Sends the Complete Set of Customs Paperwork Including the EAD and CI to Driver.

Seller/Carrier Confirms Goods Loaded and Departure

 The Seller must send all documentation to the Buyer, Transport Provider and hand the documents to the Driver upon Dispatch of Goods.

Step two – IN TRANSIT

Buyer Makes their Entry into Declarant Records

Buyer Send the RPA Data and CI to AMCO with Unique Reference

For Uncontrolled Goods you Only Show CI with Statement of the Importers CFSP EIDR and EORI number.

It is the Buyers responsibility to send Import Clearance instructions. This is something we would recommend doing on point of Dispatch however, you do have six-months to complete this. Leaving it this long could result in missed transactions and a back-log of administration to catch-up on.


Goods Delivered to Buyer – Checked as Normal

AMCO Sends SFD to Buyer (This Shows the Entry Number)

AMCO Communicates the Summary of Declarations by the Fourth Working Day of the Month

 Buyers must reconcile the SFD with their EIDR Record within six months of goods entering the UK, explains Stuart.

If you Import and Clear Goods under CFSP EIDR, it is vital your EU Supplier puts your EORI Number on their Export Invoice. In preparation for next year, Customs Processes will require the following information clearly legible on a Commercial Invoice:

Consignor Name, Address and EORI Number

Gross Weight

Nett Weight

Commodity Codes



Origin of Products

Product Codes/Description

Number of Parts

Number of Pallets/Boxes


Most importantly, timely communication with AMCO or any other Agency for Exports and Imports is vital as well as the completion of accurate documentation. There is going to be a massive increase in the volume of Customs Clearances so plan ahead and plan now!


AMCO have increased their Support Team and that communication is key, so if there are any areas people are unclear on, get in touch now.

Procedures between AMCO and GB Traders are operational from January 2021 however, AMCO will be undertaking extensive testing prior to this date.

To find out how you can benefit from the knowledge and expertise of AMCO, a founding member of the Customs Clearance Consortium who are part of the largest Customs Agency in Europe, visit

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