Health & Safety Policy


A) Company Obligations

CBW Resources Ltd trading as AMCO (“the Company”) takes very seriously its obligations and responsibilities in respect of health and safety and is committed to complying with all applicable Health and Safety Legislation. The objective is to provide a safe working environment and a safe system of work to ensure the health, safety and welfare at work of all its employees, customers’ employees and suppliers’ employees whether on the Company’s premises or carrying out Company business elsewhere.

The Company expects all its employees, suppliers/suppliers’ employees undertaking Company business and customer employees on the Company’s premises to adhere to its Health and Safety Policy.

The Company regularly reviews its working practices including the general working environment to ensure that best practices are adhered to or adopted and that safety hazards are identified and accidents are avoided as far as is reasonably practicable. In particular, the Company regularly monitors the safety of any equipment or machinery provided for use by employees. Maintenance is regularly and scrupulously carried out and proper records are kept. All equipment and machinery provided by the Company complies with the appropriate European standards and is designed or adapted for the purpose for which it is used. All employees who use or supervise the use of such equipment or machinery are properly trained in its use including health and safety considerations.

Health and Safety guidance is given to all new employees upon joining the Company and regular update sessions are held for existing employees. The Company requires the full co-operation and participation of all employees, suppliers and customers.

B) Employee Obligations

Company, supplier and customer employees also have health and safety responsibilities. You are obliged to take reasonable care for your safety and of others who may be affected by your acts or omissions and to co-operate fully with the Company in the arrangements, it makes concerning Health and Safety matters. 

Company employees, supplier employees and customer employees (where applicable) must:

  • Adhere to the prescribed safe system of working;
  • Report any faults or defects in machinery or equipment immediately to Company management; and
  • Report any safety concerns immediately to Company management.

Company employees, supplier employees and customer employees (where applicable) must comply with the following:

  • All precautions, protective clothing and equipment prescribed in an approved method of work must be applied as directed
  • Only personnel who are trained and authorised to use the equipment, machinery or vehicles may do so provided always that it is used in safe and proper working conditions, and that all guarding and other precautions are operating
  • All equipment, work and storage areas, gangways and staff facilities should be maintained in a clean and tidy condition
  • All machinery, power supplies and materials must be left in a safe condition or off when unattended or when work ceases
  • Repairs and adjustments to equipment or machinery may only be carried out by those who are authorised to do so
  • Any dangerous or injurious incident or near miss must be reported at the earliest opportunity to the Company Health and Safety Manager Spencer Falaschi Spencer: or call 07715 078073 and appropriate details recorded in the Treatment and/or Accident Book
  • Misuse or interference with any item provided in the interests of safe and healthy working conditions will be treated as serious misconduct
  • Practical joking, horseplay or reckless behaviour that may endanger others is forbidden
  • While working away from their base office, employees must comply with all local safety policies, procedures, rules or precautions

C) Safety Officer    

The Company has appointed a manager with responsibility for safety to ensure that the Company is at all times aware of and fully complies with its obligations under Health and Safety Legislation.

All accidents and near misses irrespective of triviality must be reported by Company employees and Supplier employees on Company business to the Safety Officer who will ensure that all incidents are fully investigated and any necessary preventative measures are introduced.

The Safety Officer will carry out risk assessments, for example in respect to any pregnant or disabled employees, and make recommendations to the appropriate manager/party regarding any adjustments that are required. 

D) Evacuation

You should be familiar with the evacuation procedures, details of which will be displayed appropriately in the building where you are working.

Should you discover a fire you should immediately sound the fire alarm, notify the senior staff member present and get out of the building.

E) First Aid

All accidents must be recorded in the Company accident book. Details of which members of staff have training in First Aid can be found on the Company notice boards in your place of work. If any Company employee or Supplier/Customer employee on the Company’s premises becomes ill and requires medical attention, arrangements will be made to call a doctor or emergency services or take the employee to Accident and Emergency at the nearest hospital.

F) Hazards and Safety Risks

Company employees, supplier employees and customer employees have a responsibility to report any potential Health and Safety hazard associated with the Company or in connection with requesting/undertaking Company business including infectious or other diseases, accidents or injuries associated with the Company’s premises. Examples are as follows at any of the Company’s premise:

  • Fire risks, e.g. accumulation of combustible waste, blocking or obstruction of fire doors, corridors or smoking in non-smoking areas
  • Electrical problems, e.g. worn cables, loose connections, multiple connectors to power sockets, faulty wiring or trailing cables
  • Defective equipment
  • Defective flooring, e.g. worn or frayed carpets, uneven or slippery surfaces
  • Unsuitable loading or stacking
  • Broken glass
  • Carelessness by an employee or another person on one of the Company’s premises, e.g. attempting to repair equipment without proper training

G) Improvements

You are encouraged to suggest improvements to the Company’s Health and Safety policy and suggestions should be made to the Health & Safety Manager.

H) Discipline

Any material breach or non-observance of the Company’s Health and Safety policy could constitute a disciplinary offence or contractual breach.

NOTE – this policy statement must be read in conjunction with any local safety arrangements, advice and information.